Can Shakira Conquer the World?: The New Issue of Rolling Stone

October 28th, 2009 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Photograph by Max Vadukul

When Shakira released her bestselling single “Hips Don’t Lie,” most listeners never knew that the phrase originated in a fairly chaste setting: the studio. “I would say, ‘Hey, do you see my hips moving?’ ” she says, explaining how she tests out potential tracks. ” ‘No? This is not working. My hips don’t lie.’ ”

Shakira’s sexiest moments: from belly-dancing with Beyoncé to howling in a cage.

The 32-year-old singer’s famous hips have been a good barometer of success in the past. She’s sold 50 million records worldwide and earned over $100 million, but as she prepares to unleash her third English album, She Wolf, the Colombian-born singer is at a crossroads. In Rolling Stone’s new issue, on stands today, Shakira tells Vanessa Grigoriadis about the pressures of becoming a true superstar in the U.S. now so she can indulge a “physical calling” soon: “My body feels like it is asking to reproduce,” she says, revealing that a baby could be in her post-She Wolf future.

To meet that goal, Shakira hit the studio hard for She Wolf, and gave Rolling Stone an up-close look at her coffee-fueled sessions at the Bahamas’ Compass Point Studios, a location she chose specifically for its rock & roll cred. “I am such a huge fan of Bob Marley, the Cure and AC/DC, and when I heard about this legendary studio where all of them recorded, I knew I had to be here,” she says. For a close-up look at Shakira’s RS cover shoot, check out this exclusive footage from the streets of New York:

But even an album as meticulously planned as She Wolf can hit a snag. Find out why th...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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